IK Multimedia has launched the iRig Stream Mic Pro designed to be more versatile than typical multimedia mics from Blue and others. It combines a multi-pattern condenser microphone with a 24-bit, 96 kHz audio interface for iOS, Android, Mac and PC. Tha…
Android 14 將會防止使用者自行安裝過舊版本的 app
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CNET 的 AI 撰稿幾乎都需要人手改正,甚至有剽竊問題
早前 CNET 確認他們旗下的 CNET Money 團隊利用自行設計的 AI 刊登了總數 77 篇的金融相關文,叫得一眾寫手為之震驚,生怕工作會被 AI 取代。不過今天 CNET 總編 Connie Guglielmo 再交出詳情,讓大家都先鬆一口氣。…
Tesla 在動盪的 2022 年 Q4 仍然錄得收入新高
在持續的供應不穩、連番裁員,甚至因為老闆 Elon Musk 押盡家財收購 Twitter 而導致股價大幅縮水,Tesla 做為車廠的表現仍然亮麗。
Jail threats stop AI ‘robot lawyer’ from making its debut in court
Joshua Browder, the CEO of New York startup DoNotPay, recently announced that his company’s bot will represent a defendant fighting a traffic ticket in the courtroom on February 22nd. “DoNotPay A.I will whisper in someone’s ear exactly what to say. We will release the results and share more after it happens,” he said. We may never know how the “robot lawyer” will fare in court, though, because a few days later, Browder announced that DoNotPay is postponing its court case after reportedly receiving jail threats from state bar prosecutors if he was to go through with his plan.
The CEO told NPR that multiple state bar associations had threatened his company, and one even said he could be imprisoned for six months. He told the media organization: “Even if it wouldn’t happen, the threat of criminal charges was enough to give it up. The letters have become so frequent that we thought it was just a distraction and that we should move on.” While the State Bar of California refused to talk about DoNoPay’s situation, it told NPR that it has a duty to investigate potential instances of unauthorized law practice.
Browder originally created DoNoPay as a free AI-powered chatbot that can help draft letters and fill out forms for various legal matters, including appeals for parking tickets. The company’s “robot lawyer” is said to be powered by several AI text generators, including ChatGPT and DaVinci, that have been tuned to focus on law. A defendant using the technology in court would have worn smart glasses to record the court proceedings, as well as a headset that would give the AI a way to tell them what to say.
As CBS News said in a previous report, though, the tech isn’t legal in most courtrooms. Also, in some states, all parties must consent to being recorded. DoNotPay looked at 300 cases, but only two were viable candidates. In the end, Browder reversed course and suggested the company will instead fixate on consumer rights issues, specifically lowering medical bills, cancelling subscriptions and disputing credit reports, among others.
On January 24th, Kathryn Tewson took to Twitter to share an in-depth analysis of the platform after attempting to generate a Defamation Demand Letter, Divorce Settlement Agreement and a Sue Anyone in Small Claims Court document. They found the process to be confusing, often finding DoNotPay switched focus on the action they wished to take.
“There is literally nothing AI about this. This is a straight-up plug-and-chug document wizard, and it is not well done at all,” Tewson remarked, adding: “Let me be clear: this is a terrible demand letter. Absolutely terrible. Useless or worse than useless — if an actual attorney saw this, she would instantly know that the sender was unsophisticated, unrepresented, and gullible af.”
NPR said, however, that the CEO is still hoping that artificial intelligence could eventually help people in the courtroom. “The truth is, most people can’t afford lawyers. This could’ve shifted the balance and allowed people to use tools like ChatGPT in the courtroom that maybe could’ve helped them win cases,” he told the organization.
Specifically, lowering medical bills, cancelling subscriptions, disputing credit reports, among other things, with A.l. I think it’s very important for companies to stay focused. Unlike courtroom drama, these types of cases can be handled online, are simple and are underserved.
— Joshua Browder (@jbrowder1) January 25, 2023
Amazon 新低價 US$200 入手,Garmin Instinct Solar 太陽能運動手錶
Amazon 上 Garmin Instinct Solar 正特價發售,由原價 US$350 的只需 US$200 即可入手,大減 US$150。
《Redfall》將於 5 月 2 日登陸 PC 及 Xbox,在開放世界中狩獵吸血鬼
Arkane 工作室最新遊戲《Redfall》會於本年 5 月 2 日登陸 Xbox Series X/S 還有 PC 兩個平台。
網購 US$149 入手,Drop、Sennheiser 聯名電競耳機 PC38X
Drop 跟 Sennheiser 推出的有線電競耳機 PC38X 現在正於 Amazon 上特價發售,由原價 US$180 減至 US$149,可以節省 US$31。強強聯手帶來的 PC38X 除了擁有廣闊的音域外,同時在舒適度方面亦下隃不少心思,頭帶部份採用了透氣網眼針織墊和分體式設計,可以保持頭頂及耳部周圍乾爽,為長時間遊玩提供更好的條件。…
Apple now offers less for some iPhone trade-ins
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Tesla’s volatile Q4 couldn’t dampen its record setting year
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