XSS Vulnerability in multiple XBlock Fields. Any platform that has deployed the XBlock will be impacted.
The fix is compatible with all O…
Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – December 2, 2022
New updates There are no new updates to share this week. Please see below for a recap of published announcements. Previous announcementsThe announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to th…
[] Prometheus Exporter-Toolkit is vulnerable to authentication bypass
Prometheus and its exporters can be secured by a web.yml file that specifies usernames and hashed passwords for basic authentication.
Passwords are hashed with bcrypt, which means that even if you have access to the hash, it is very hard to find…
[guarddog] GuardDog vulnerable to arbitrary file write when scanning a specially-crafted PyPI package
Running GuardDog against a specially-crafted package can allow an attacker to write an arbitrary file on the machine where GuardDog is executed.
This is due to a path traversal vulnerability when extracting the .tar.gz file of the package being …
[] kube-httpcache is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
A request forgery attack can be performed on Varnish Cache servers that have the HTTP/2 protocol turned on. An attacker may introduce characters through the HTTP/2 pseudo-headers that are invalid in the context of an HTTP/1 request line, causin…
もうひとつの空自「F-2」戦闘機案とは ルックスは大違い テーマは「日本のイケイケ技術者の本気」?
秋田高専生の高齢者スマホ教室好評 秋田市飯島、東部地区
読売新聞が11月中旬、「防衛の視座 提言」と題した連載で、曲がり角に直面する安全保障の打開策を提起した。前編でも書いたように、保守発の世論形成をリードしてきた読売らしい骨太な防衛論議だが、「正統派」であるが故に、死活的
本稿はKDDIが運営するサイト「MUGENLABO Magazine」に掲載された記事からの転載 世界的な環境課題を背景に、企業がますます無視できなくなってきているのが「ESG」への取り組みです。日本でも2020年の菅内閣においてカーボンニュートラルへの指針が宣言されたこともあり、メディアなどでも「ESGやSDGs」といったキーワードが頻繁に取り上げられるようになりました。 ただ、温室効果ガスの問…
The post 1,000億円規模のKDDIサステナビリティボンド、解決目指す社会課題「3つの…