聖誕禮物提案 2022:認真送禮的選擇(約 HK$1,000 / NT$4,000)

除了聚會時會有的交換禮物,聖誕佳節也是向身邊親友致送禮物,表達一年下來的感謝之情的機會。這篇文章會就以比較高的約 HK$1,000 / NT$4,000 預算來推介,給大家認真考慮買禮物時有個好意見。…

The Morning After: San Francisco reverses approval of lethal police robots

In November, the San Francisco Police Department proposed approving the use of remote-controlled robots with deadly force. This was after a law came into effect requiring California officials to define the authorized use of military-grade equipment. It would have allowed police to equip robots with explosives “to contact, incapacitate or disorient violent, armed or dangerous suspects.”

San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors approved this proposal, initially, despite opposition by civil rights groups. However, during the second of two required votes, the board voted to ban the use of lethal force by police robots. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, this is unusual as the board’s second votes typically echo the first results. In the initial proposal, authorities could only use the robots for lethal force after they’ve exhausted all other possibilities, and a high-ranking official would have to approve their deployment.

Dean Preston, a supervisor who opposes the use of robots as deadly force, said the policy will “place Black and brown people in disproportionate danger of harm or death.” In a subsequent statement, Preston said: “There have been more killings at the hands of police than any other year on record nationwide. We should be working on ways to decrease the use of force by local law enforcement, not giving them new tools to kill people.”

– Mat Smith

The biggest stories you might have missed

‘Diablo IV’ preview

This feels worryingly good.

The latest Diablo game is shaping up to be another notable evolution of the series, combining some of the best parts of Diablo II and III while adding the graphics (and cosmetic microtransactions) we usually get with a big-budget online game in 2022. Expect legions of monsters to slaughter, challenging boss fights and so much loot. Engadget’s Igor Bonifacic was intrigued after a few hours of playing the preview. Diablo IV’s open beta kicks off early next year — not long until you can test it out yourself.

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This smartphone has a pop-out portrait lens for ‘pure’ bokeh

A ‘world-first’ feature from a brand you’ve probably never heard of.

Many smartphones these days offer artificial bokeh in their portrait photography modes, but with the help of a retractable camera, you can achieve true optical bokeh without missing any edges. That’s what Chinese brand Tecno has achieved with the Phantom X2 Pro 5G, which packs a “world-first” pop-out portrait lens. It’s also got a gigantic camera array. Intrigued?

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Take a look at NASA’s high-resolution images of Orion’s final lunar flyby

Taken on a heavily modified GoPro Hero 4.


Orion just made its final pass around the Moon on its way to Earth, and NASA has released some of the spacecraft’s best photos so far. These were taken with a high-resolution camera (actually a GoPro Hero 4, with some major adjustments). Orion’s performance so far has been “outstanding,” according to NASA program manager Howard Hu. It launched on November 15th as part of the Artemis 1 mission atop NASA’s mighty Space Launch System. The next mission, Artemis II, is scheduled in 2024 to carry astronauts on a similar path to Artemis I, without landing on the Moon.

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Microsoft vows to bring ‘Call of Duty’ to Nintendo consoles

Phil Spencer confirmed a 10-year commitment should Microsoft’s Activision deal go through.

Blizzard Activision

If Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard goes through, the company vows to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo and to continue making it available on the latter’s consoles for at least 10 years. Phil Spencer, Microsoft Gaming’s CEO, has announced the company’s commitment on Twitter, adding: “Microsoft is committed to helping bring more games to more people – however they choose to play.” During an interview, Spencer said that the company intends to treat Call of Duty like Minecraft, making it available across platforms and that he would “love to see [the game]” on the Switch.

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微軟聖誕優惠 Laptop 4 15” 勁減,再送 Xbox 主機 + Office 套件

Microsoft 在官方網店上正舉行聖誕特賣活動,筆電、配件都推出了大額折扣,讓大家可以在年終爽快地購物,當中最亮眼的相信是 Surface Laptop 4 的優惠,除了大減 HK$4,600 更會再加送 Xbox Series S 遊戲主機以及家用版的 Microsoft 365,總禮遇高達 HK$7,660!…

Twitter is reportedly raising Blue subscription’s pricing on iOS to $11

When Twitter’s Blue subscription comes back, it may cost a lot more than before if you purchase it straight from the app. According to The Information, the company informed some employees that it’s going to charge users $11 for Blue subscription if the…

iPhone AirDrop restriction first seen in China will roll out worldwide with iOS 16.2

Apple’s next iOS update will tighten AirDrop security for everyone. The new default settings will arrive globally in the upcoming iOS 16.2 after the company limited AirDrop use in China, where protestors had used the feature to organize with stran…

North Korean hackers used an IE vulnerability to target South Koreans after Halloween tragedy

In the aftermath of the Itaewon Halloween crowd crush that killed at least 158 people, North Korea’s APT37 state-sponsored hacking group took advantage of a previously unknown Internet Explorer vulnerability to install malware on the devices of South K…

Apple expands iCloud encryption as it backs away from controversial CSAM scanning plans

It may be more difficult for hackers to grab your iCloud data — and even Apple is rethinking its access to sensitive content. The company is introducing a raft of security measures that run the gamut from expanded end-to-end encryption to a reversal of…