手機、電腦內的相片是自己生活的見證,有著不可估量的紀念價值,然而電子裝置的儲存空間是有限的,如果沒有斷捨離的決心,就正好在新年前後趁著在 Amazon 特價這個好時機,入手 Western Digital 的 產品,來一番「數碼大掃除」。…
Logitech’s Brio 300 HD webcams offer auto light correction and noise reduction for $70
Logitech has unveiled a colorful, budget-oriented line of 1080p webcams, the $70 (£75) Brio 300 series. The aim is to help users struggling with “poor lighting conditions, unflattering camera angles and low-quality sound,” the company said. To tha…
Twitter 承認自己封鎖了第三方客戶端,因其觸犯了「存在已久的規則」
Twitter 承認自己封鎖了第三方客戶端,理由是其觸犯了「存在已久的規則」。
Samsung 跟 iFixit 合作的 DIY 維修計畫現在也包括 Galaxy S22 和筆電了
Samsung 跟 iFixit 合作的 DIY 維修計畫現在也包括 Galaxy S22 和筆電了,不過暫時還是美國先行。
Apple is reportedly working on a cheaper mixed-reality headset
Apple is already working on a more affordable version of its yet-to-be-announced mixed reality headset, according to Bloomberg and The Information. Based on previous reports about the long-rumored mixed reality device, it will cost around $3,000, which…
《最後生還者》創下 HBO 串流時代第三高首播數字
《最後生還者》創下 HBO 串流時代第三高首播數字,共有 470 萬觀眾在 1 月 15 日透過傳統電視或串流平台收看了本劇。
微軟或在本週裁退多達 11,000 人
知名科企的大額裁員行動在 2023 年也並未能停下來,報導指微軟將會在近期就裁退多達 11,000 人,約為整體 22 萬員工裡的 5%。裁員規模是微軟近期最大的,而且據指受影響的據指主要都是工程人員。…
2022 年智慧型手機出貨量落至 10 年低點
2022 年表現糟糕的,可不只有 PC 市場而已。據市場分析機構 Canalys 的估計,智慧型手機在去年全年出貨量也萎縮了 11% 之多,是近十年來表現最差的一年。
Scientists gave a robot a sense of smell with locust antennae and AI
In 2023, there are cameras and microphones that match and surpass the capabilities of human sight and sound. But for all of our technological advancements, humans haven’t quite managed to build a better nose. After all, evolution has had millions of ye…
Microsoft could lay off as many as 11,000 employees this week
Microsoft could announce wide-sweeping layoffs within the next few days. The possibility of the tech giant laying off a significant part of its workforce was first reported by Sky News and later corroborated by Bloomberg. Sky put the number of the cuts…