Logitech 這一年來為我們帶來了不少新產品,當中包括經典滑鼠 G502 的翻新系列,讓筆電用家過渡至機械式鍵盤的 MX Mechanical 等等。Logitech 在官網上現正舉行聖誕促銷活動,除了帶來了 6 折起的優惠以外,購買滿 HK$1,688,即送 Targus 4 頭防雷拖板。…
暴雪與台灣的霹靂國際多媒體異界合作,推出了一個出乎意料之外的特殊企畫,將《魔獸世界 巫妖王之怒》中的部份劇情串接,並且以布袋戲的方式呈現。
《霍格華茲的傳承》延期登陸 PS4、Switch、Xbox One
《霍格華茲的傳承》延期登陸 PS4、Switch、Xbox One,PS5、Xbox Series X/S 和 PC 版仍會按計畫在 2023 年 2 月發售。
Boom 找到新設計伙伴來協助開發其 Symphony 超音速噴射引擎
在稍早宣佈中止與勞斯萊斯的合作後,Boom 終於又找到了新的引擎設計公司 FTT,來協助打造其 Symphony 超音速噴射引擎。
Tesla launches Steam integration for the new Model S and X vehicles
Back in February, Tesla chief Elon Musk revealed on Twitter that the automaker is working to bring Steam to its vehicles. Now, the company is officially rolling out Steam integration for the latest versions of its Model S and X cars as part of its holiday update. In its promo video of the feature, you’ll see Tesla’s infotainment system running Steam Beta and even graphically demanding games like Cyberpunk 2077.
By “new” Model S and X vehicles, Tesla likely means their “Plaid” versions, which started deliveries last year. Both models’ infotainment systems use AMD’s RDNA 2 GPUs, which are also the technology behind PlayStation 5, and AMD’s Ryzen chips. Tesla has been building its library of in-vehicle games over the past few years and has added titles such as Cuphead, PUBG Mobile and Fallout Shelter to its offerings. By bringing Steam to its vehicles, though, Tesla is adding more than just a game or two to the growing list. The automaker said in its announcement that the integration will bring thousands of games to the aforementioned cars.
Tesla previously got into trouble with the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for allowing people to play games even while driving. It disabled the capability following the agency’s investigation, however, so people most likely can’t play Steam games while the vehicles are in motion.
Steam is here—bringing thousands of games to new Model S & X vehicles 🎮 pic.twitter.com/PDzjtefv7A
— Tesla (@Tesla) December 13, 2022
In addition to Steam integration, Tesla’s holiday update also gives owners access to Apple Music integration for their infotainment systems. It gives them the ability to schedule Light Shows on multiple vehicles simultaneously, as well, and to view their cabin camera from the Tesla app while in Dog Mode or Sentry Mode.
傳 Apple 將允許第三方應用商店出現在 iOS 裡
傳 Apple 將允許第三方應用商店出現在 iOS 裡,iOS 17 可能會給 Apple 的生態圈帶來巨大變化。
美國勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室的一個團隊,稍早於 12 月 5 日達成了核融合實驗的一個壯舉 —— 由核融合反應輸出了大於輸入的能量。
Jack Dorsey responds to Twitter Files: There were no ‘hidden agendas’
Jack Dorsey has waded into the Twitter Files discourse. Writing in a newsletter, Dorsey lightly criticizes the manner the files have been released, and condemned attacks on former Twitter executives.“I continue to believe there was no ill intent or hid…
iOS 16.2 正式上線,帶來 AoD 隱藏選項和更多安全功能
iOS 16.2 正式上線,帶來 AoD 隱藏選項和更多安全功能。
Twitter has reportedly dismissed Elon Musk’s personal lawyer
In one of his first all-hands meetings after taking over the company in October, Elon Musk told Twitter employees the website’s financial position was dire, warning bankruptcy was “not out of question.” Since then, it appears the situation at Twitter h…