海野雅威、大ケガからの復活ALから「Isn’t This Gate Working?」先行配信&坂本龍一からコメントも
ジャズピアニスト・海野雅威が、3月2日発売のニュー・アルバム『Get My Mojo Back』から…
ミニLED搭載のiMac Proの発売は夏で確定か
Appleが27インチ iMacをアップルシリコンにアップデートするのを待ち望んでいる人にとって、今…
[org.jenkins-ci.plugins:scp] CSRF vulnerability in Jenkins SCP publisher Plugin
SCP publisher Plugin 1.8 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation.
This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified SSH server using attacker-specified username and p…
[com.checkmarx.jenkins:checkmarx] CSRF vulnerability in Jenkins Checkmarx Plugin allow capturing credentials
Checkmarx Plugin 2022.1.2 and earlier does not perform permission checks in several HTTP endpoints.
This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified webserver using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained throu…
[org.continuousassurance.swamp.jenkins:swamp] Missing permission check in Jenkins SWAMP Plugin allows capturing credentials
SWAMP Plugin 1.2.6 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation.
This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained th…
[k8s.io/kubernetes] Improper Authentication in Kubernetes
A security issue was discovered in the Kubelet and kube-proxy components of Kubernetes which allows adjacent hosts to reach TCP and UDP services bound to running on the node or in the node’s network namespace. For example, if a cluster admini…
原田知世が、3月23日にデビュー40周年を記念したニュー・アルバム『fruitful days』 を…
クッションにも光らせてあげよう!光るゲーミングクッション「Razer Head Cushion Chroma」登場!