9 womenbosses who inspire us on YouTube

Every time International Women’s Day rolls around, it’s an opportunity to reflect on all the women who push YouTube to be even better. They make this community the best that it can be. Here are nine women, from around the globe, who inspire us with the…

Project Witness: Can VR create empathy?

“We’ve allowed our most vulnerable children to be thrown away, to be traumatized and to be locked up in these jails and prisons, and we’ve got to change this narrative that some children aren’t children.” — Bryan Stevenson As a human rights lawyer, …

The YouTube AdBlitz Champion of 2020 is…

The confetti may have hit the field for the Kansas City Chiefs, but the Big Game isn’t over for the ads. Fans have been watching and re-watching their favorites from in-and-out of the game on YouTube AdBlitz, and it’s finally time to reveal our top fiv…

State of the Union 2020: Live on YouTube

From breaking news to key moments, people around the world have been able to access important content and news through YouTube. As President Trump begins his fourth year in office, YouTube continues this tradition. Like we have in the past, YouTube wil…