マツダ株式会社(以下、マツダ)は、次世代グリーンCO 燃料技術研究組合に参加した。3月29日付のプレ…
JR東日本のMaaSアプリ「Ringo Pass」、電脳交通と連携
東京都、令和5年度ゼロエミ住宅申請受付開始 蓄電池やV2H設置も助成
歯をみがいていればOK? 歯周病予防、正しくできているかを知るには
まとめ 歯周病はみがき残しが同じ場所に長期間存在すると発症します。歯肉の腫れや出血はそれを教えてくれるバロメーター。放置すれば将来歯を失う原因に。ひとりひとりにあった歯みがき方を見つけるには、歯科専門家と一緒に考えるのが…
The post 歯をみがいていればOK? 歯周病予防、正しくできているかを知るには first appeared on LUMEDIA (ルメディア).
[angular] angular vulnerable to regular expression denial of service via the angular.copy() utility
All versions of the package angular are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the angular.copy() utility function due to the usage of an insecure regular expression. Exploiting this vulnerability is possible by a large carefull…
[angular] angular vulnerable to regular expression denial of service via the $resource service
All versions of the package angular are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the $resource service due to the usage of an insecure regular expression. Exploiting this vulnerability is possible by a large carefully-crafted inpu…
[angular] angular vulnerable to regular expression denial of service via the element
All versions of the package angular are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the element due to the usage of an insecure regular expression in the input[url] functionality. Exploiting this vulnerability is possible by a large…