田島昭宇が「FGO」の新キャラクター・テスカトリポカをデザイン (ナタリー)

田島昭宇が、スマートフォン向けRPG「Fate/Grand Order」の新キャラクター・テスカトリポカのキャラクターデザインを担当した。 テスカトリポカの概要。 大きなサイズで見る(全5件) テスカトリポカは第2部第7章「Lostbelt No.7 黄金樹海紀行 ナウイ・ミクトラン 惑星を統べるもの」に登場。同章後半……

村上春樹さん新作長編小説、4月発売へ (産経新聞)

村上春樹さん新潮社は1日、小説家、村上春樹さん(74)の6年ぶりとなる書き下ろし新作長編小説を4月13日に発売すると発表した。原稿用紙1200枚で、村上さんの長編小説では初めて電子書籍も同日から配信するという。題名は未発表。 同社によると、村上さんの長編小説は平成29年2月刊行の「騎士団長殺し……

SpaceX astronauts will receive the Congressional Space Medal of Honor

Vice President Kamala Harris will today award the Congressional Space Medal of Honor for the first time since 2006. The recipients are Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, who became the first astronauts to fly to space on a crewed SpaceX mission in 2020. The pair, who traveled to the International Space Station and stayed there for almost two months, will receive the honor for their bravery.

Hurley and Behnken were part of the first crewed spaceflight from US soil since the last Space Shuttle mission in 2011. They both also flew on the Space Shuttle, and Hurley was on the program’s final flight.

Hurley and Behnken’s Demo-2 mission was the first crewed flight under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Five other SpaceX crews have since flown to the ISS.

The Congressional Space Medal of Honor is typically given to mark a first in space travel, as The Washington Post notes. Previous recipients include Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard (the first American to travel to space), John Glenn (the first American in orbit) and Frank Borman (commander of Apollo 8, the first lunar orbit mission). The award was also granted posthumously to the crew of Apollo 1 and those who died aboard the Challenger and Columbia shuttles.