Here are 13 interesting ways we’ve collected Street View imagery, including filming on camelback, diving underwater and more.
How we designed Chrome to help businesses
We spoke with Robert Shield, longtime Chrome engineer, to get an insider’s point of view on how Chrome became a browser for the enterprise.
New feature to help people navigate the energy crisis in Europe
Learn more about our new Search feature that helps people in Europe navigate the energy crisis this winter.
AIで古いムービーを鮮やかに甦らせるRemini Webで、あの人と再会した(CloseBox)
Twitter は青い「認証マーク」を月8ドルの有料プラン Twitter Blue の特典として、…
[lzf] Invalid use of `mem::uninitialized` causes `use-of-uninitialized-value`
The compression and decompression function used mem:uninitialized to create an array of uninitialized values, to later write values into it. This later leads to reads from uninitialized memory.
The flaw was corrected in commit b633bf265e41c60dfce3be7ea…
Trust rules in Google Drive now generally available
What’s changing In July 2022, we announced an open beta for trust rules in Google Drive. Beginning today, this feature will become available for eligible Google Workspace customers. Trust rules give admins more control over how files can be s…
The new Gmail user interface is becoming the standard experience
Update[December 13, 2022]: Rollout is complete for Rapid release domainsRollout for Scheduled release domains will now begin in January 2023. We will share an additional update on the Workspace Updates blog at that time.What’s changingAt the begin…